Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Comin' up Cars

The cars of my youth...used to peak in every car window.  Mom, dad or whichever grownup in possession of me would tell me to stop, to stop getting my face and fingerprints on strange people's car windows.  We could be at the A&P and I'd be glued into the strange person's car window.  I looked at the exteriors too, but there was this draw once I opened the door of our car and climbed out to see what was next door--which mandatoraly included smashing my face and hands (just the sides to block out any distraction).  Could name every car on the planet at six, which of course consisted of  all American.  Had a vague allegance to European sports and luxury cars, and a stong draw to "antique" cars from my dad's youth (Duesenburgs weren't even 40 then!) Very few us us, even the rich, owned "one of those foreign jobs" back hen.  There were the occassionaion hippies who had a bug or some "Jap rice burner," but otherwise it was American all the way. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dial Up

So these crazy kids today.  Never heard the clacking of the smith coronas and smelled the metal underpinnings of white collar industy when you walked into those big old Grecian bank lobbies.  bank.  Banking now now is geting a shot of the check on a phone, hitting send and having cash that afternoon.

These kids...never heard that ma bell ring, that phone that you were only allowed to buy from--ma bell.  Smells a bit like socialism to me, yet that was it. These phones.  Hared-wired and really hardwired at that. No clips, jacks...nothing.  Wires literally twisted by an electrican and a pretty wall plate to hide the complicated inards.  Those tear the phone out of the wall scenes movies:  you had to do it if you wanted a mobile phone.  Anyway...then comes the dialing part and really wanting to get there fast.  Not going to happen.  It was a Zen, reflect on the day or let it eat you up moment.  The manual process always brought you back to patience: flip number, let it disengage from your greasy finger, let it roll all the way round and back to reset neutral.  Dial next number.  Phone rings...busy signal.  Try all day, to no avail.  Blain 2013 just like tweeted 876 followers in that time. Aaaamaaazzeeng. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Kansas City

Still can't figure out how to properly design this stupid thing
I hate blogger, so unintuitive and unhelpful and impossible to design.  Why do they not make it more user friendly. 

Friday, April 20, 2012